

whattaday. i'm all worn out.
even flexing my fingers to type requires such horrendous effort.
my nerves seem to be malfunctioning- they're like - dead...
i guess i'll be needing three things:
one, eight hours of sleep. it's a long time since i had one. (oh when was the last time..)
yes it's noticeable, every now and then the junk splatters in my mind:
"hey look, he's got big eyebags! and see those zits? hahaha!"
argh. eyebags. which reminds me:
number two: my glasses. i miss them.
seriously, i'm having a hard time without the 75-degree pair of spectacles.
early in the morning i get dizzy; later in math time i sleep.
the cycle goes on.....
and lastly:
i'll need a drop box in which i pour out all the jampacked data blitzes in my mind;
hey i'm crushed. there's lot to think about.
recently there's this whizzing, buzzing, and popping out of still thoughts about anything.
then poof! they evaporate as quick as they flick a lightbulb in the darkness.
maybe not; rather, all those were transported into a secret chamber of the brain, which already lays forgotten....
alas! how do i manage. HOW??? how do i endure them all??
the demoralizing taunts infecting like poison through my bloodstream?
the sarcastic laughter echoing all over the weary soul?
the thick needle pricked in my pin-cushion heart???
ohh i need help. i'm drained.


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